Student Staff Positions

Job Expectations
Job Descriptions Disclaimer

Job descriptions are subject to change prior to final offer. Finalized document will be sent to applicant for signing after employment offer is sent. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these documents, feel free to email

Assistant Resident Director

The Assistant Resident Director (ARD) serves as a senior student leader on staff and provides supervision and guidance to student staff members. The ARD lives in the community and works to support Resident Advisors and Program Advisors in their duties and individual growth within the department. The ARD meets frequently with their assigned team and supervisor(s), and serves on a departmental committee(s). The ARD serves on an on-call duty rotation in a supervisory role where they assist Resident Advisors with responding to after-hours community needs, policy violations, and emergencies.

Resident Advisor

The Resident Advisor (RA) lives in the community and fosters the personal, social, and academic development of students both individually and as a community. The RA meets with their residents for quarterly check-ins, and hosts initiatives for their community. The RA responds to, and documents behavior that violates Residential Education and Campus policy, and serves on an after-hours on-call duty rotation. RA communities include Lothian, Pentland Hills, Dundee, Aberdeen-Inverness, Glen Mor, Bannockburn, Oban, Plaza, Falkirk, and Stonehaven.

Job Description - RA

Program Advisor
Community Experiences

The Program Advisor for Community Experiences (PACE) works in teams to create large-scale initiatives for the residence halls and campus apartments communities based on community needs. The PACE plans, executes, and assesses department-wide social and educational initiatives with their team and campus partners. The PACE also assists with the facilitation of larger-scale, housing-wide initiatives, including Welcome Week and Underground Drag Show.

Job Description - PACE

Program Advisor
Residential Experiences

The Program Advisor for Residential Experiences (PA-RE) oversees one of the experiential/transitional Living-Learning Communities (LLC’s) and focuses on creating initiatives and programming for their assigned community. The PA-RE creates and implements a variety of initiatives within their assigned community, as well as develops and executes department-wide initiatives as a team. Experiential living-learning communities include Global Scholars, Markaz, Mundo, PATH, Stonewall, Pathways and Stride 2 Success.

Job Description - PARE

Program Advisor

The Program Advisor for Academics (PA-A) facilitates initatives that support the academic achievement of the entire residential community as well as their designated academic living-learning communities. The PA-A creates and implements a variety of initiatives within their assigned community, as well as develops and executes department-wide initiatives as a team. Academic living-learning communities exist for all undergraduate colleges: CHASS, CNAS, BCOE, University Honors, and School of Business students.

Job Description - PAA

Program Advisor
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

The Program Advisor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (PA-DEI) works closely with the Associate Director of Residential Education for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and is responsible for department-wide programming, initatives, and support that shapes an environment to support Residential Education's inclusion philosophy within our communities and overall department, as well as assistance with initatives for Housing and Dining Services.

Job Description - PADEI

Summer Team Norm

The Summer Team Norm (STN) is a three-month summer-only position throughout Highlander Orientation (before RA/PA positions start). The STN team is a group of student staff that provide Residential Education tabling, presentations and programming throughout the two-day sessions for incoming students. This position is only available to current Residential Education student staff and requires a separate application.

Job Description - STN

Position Selection

Applicants will be given the opportunity to preference their positions, and student populations they are interested in serving but not the specific community they will reside in, within the application. Residential Education may place applicants in non-preferenced positions and community assignments based on community, departmental, and student population needs and will consider the applicant's preferences when necessary.

PAA/PARE Communities
Residential Education Student Staff


The student leader positions have many different components. For more information about specific positions, please view the Job Descriptions linked above.

Community Building & Development

Weekly Staff Meetings

Weekly 1:1 Meetings with Supervisor(s)

Bi-Quarterly Department Developments

Community Initiatives/Events

On-call Duty (only Resident Advisors serve in duty rotation)

Administrative Tasks

Program Marketing

Departmental Events (Move-in, Welcome Week, and tour days for prospective students & large-scale initatives)

Average hours/week varies between 10 – 15 hours.

Student Staff Testimonials